03.2020. I would organize design book clubs from my ever-expanding library before COVID-19. RIP.



How to Do Nothing

Odell helped me realize that although I love design, I don’t love the work-a-holic culture it can ensnare us into. She makes a strong point that commercialism has narrowed how success is defined, and that our attention deserves more than just small screens and comparing salaries. A must read.

Extreme Ownership

Recommended by my PMs. The book follows a repetitive formula of war story time, a lesson, and a business example. The leadership lessons are pretty basic (be a responsible and proactive leader), but I guess the SEALs branding sells. There is also a possible gulf in usage amongst minorities and women as the SEALs are mostly white and male.

So You Want to Talk About Race

This book was painful and awkward to read-- but it was important and valuable. It has made me realize the amount of privilege I have by simply being an East Asian male along with the consequences that privilege has on those less fortunate. Ijeoma is right...

We can’t make the world a better place for everyone until we are willing to acknowledge that privilege and fight for those without it.

As a UX Designer, that has real implications in the way I approach my work. How I plan sampling strategies, how I prioritize design decisions, when I'm willing to push back for the sake of inclusion... all of these easily (or conveniently) forgotten details have incredible relevance. This book was a strong reminder that we can't afford to allow our lived experiences to act as a proxy for others. There are real and heavy consequences otherwise.


The Best Interface is No Interface

A (Golden) masterpiece. I can't remember the last time I read something so well-crafted and written. Think About Face, but repackaged in contemporary bar banter form. Krishna reminds us that people don't need more UI in their life, they just want better and faster solutions.

Buy from Krishna's Website


Ruined by Design

Work will never be the same. Mike calls out in plain language everything that's fucked up in the design world today... and he's absolutely right. So many designers (myself included) coddle ourselves with lies that we're helping people when we're not. In fact, we hurt them.

From lack of training in handling highly complex social issues to companies prioritizing profit over the literal lives of human beings- we're not equipped to succeed, nor are we making a good enough effort. This is a must read because it's not just a roast on how shitty we are at our jobs- Mike provides real and empassioned solutions to try and take a shot at fixing the mess we've made.

A masterpiece.

Buy from Mule

Inclusive Design Patterns

TIL: I'm not an accessibility engineer and my website needs to get fixed ASAP. Designers will get a little less out of this as Heydon speaks mostly in code, but I found it still very helpful in explaining the why behind UI patterns that are better for accessibility on the web.


Radical Candor

Everyone should read Radical Candor, regardless of level, to understand what good leadership looks like. Kim makes it clear that being a boss is not a binary prescription of being an asshole or a people-pleaser. Instead, it’s a layered process of understanding your people...

and showing them that you care by being honest and specific in both praise and criticism. Unlike some other management books I’ve read in the past, Kim’s theory on leadership is well-grounded, reflexive, and provides real/replicable examples that don’t pretend to be magic apply-to-all solutions.

For me personally, this book was humbling. According to Kim, I have occasionally stumbled into the worst possible quadrant of leadership: manipulative insincerity. To quote Kim, “people give praise and criticism that is manipulatively insincere when they are too focused on being liked or they think they can gain some sort of political advantage by being fake, or when they are too tired to care or argue any more.”

In prior projects, I have definitely hit imaginary walls before in providing candor up the chain to bosses… usually out of fear of retribution. In those moments, I regret turning to manipulative insincerity where I would either criticize people behind their back or simply stop caring due to intense burnout (60-70hr work weeks are one hell of a drug).

Rather than complaining or writing off someone for being “an asshole,” I should have provided candor. I should have done even more to build a relationship to give feedback for improvement. Ultimately, everyone deserves a chance to hear honest, specific, and impersonal feedback 1-on-1. And, if they cannot accept it in good faith, it’s time for a new project/job.

Buy from Radical Candor

Inclusive Components

This is the book I wish I had when I was studying CS in undergrad. Like Heydon's other material, this book is a golden reference for creating an accessible web from to-do lists to modals. Perfect for helping both developers and designers grow an accessible-leaning and creative mindset.



The tech industry is fucked up, and we men are largely responsible for it. Emily clearly documents how inequality emerged and why it still persists in the present. This is a must read for men in tech, especially designers. It’s a wake up call reminding us that no, we can’t claim to be “user-focused” if we fail to ignore gender inequality in our own offices. If we are complacent in an industry that disrespects and excludes women, how can we expect to design products that don’t do the same?


Design for the Real World

The best book I’ve read in 2020 so far. Victor Papanek is a brilliant human being. His call for designers to recall their greater purpose to design for what is needed rather than what is wanted is chillingly relevant in modern times despite this being written decades ago. I also love his proposed redesign of design curriculum to be a smaller in scale, multi-cultural, and multi-disciplinary workshop. I can’t summarize everything, but I loved just about everything. Please read this book.


Information Architecture

The classic polar bear book! I was late to read this, but was delightfully surprised at the modern nature of the 4th edition's content. It was fun to read the author's commentary on the evolution of the field of IA and I was able to fill in some big knowledge gaps on content in UX from classic sitemaps, search semantics, and even reports to the client. The parts on research are shallow (intended), but otherwise I would recommend this as a solid foundational read on content strategy.


Rituals for Work

This book was... ok. Of the 50 rituals, I bookmarked only 4 for use- but those 4 were a great match for my workplace. Definitely a better fit for smaller organizations and startups, but many of these will be harder to scale to larger enterprises.

The Ethical Handbook of Design

This is a great introductory book to ethics in design. I was familiar with most of the talking points from prior reads, so I skimmed a good number of chapters. However, I did find their downloadable ethics scorecard (which I’ll be using to evaluate my own projects), explanation on international laws, and breakdown of cookies very applicable!


Realizing Empathy

Beautiful. Reading this book felt like a fireside chat with Seung Chan and I loved every moment of it. Seung Chan draws from his incredibly universal experience to define a word that has lost meaning in modern times. He does it in simple yet deep ways from interviews with experts to thought journals and case studies within wildly different contexts. I'd recommend this to anyone looking for a book to sit down and relax to.


Combining Typefaces

Brief and brilliant. This was exactly what I needed to get a pragmatic 101 on typefaces. Tim Brown gets straight to the point, provides excellent additional resources, and keeps it simple with easy to understand examples. It's also FREE!

Notes Free Download

Art Direction for the Web

I bought this book so I could get better at understanding the language of visual designers- which it accomplished to a satisfactory level. I was able to pull alot of good resources and articles from the book, but didn't find anything really groundbreaking or delightful within it. It was ok.

Notes Buy on Smashing

Designing User Interfaces

I always have doubts about UI books since they often are more based on visual taste rather than functionality. I was happily surprised to see that this book bucked the trend as the authors regularly cited cog psych theory, provided justifications behind all suggestions, and never seemed attached to any particular design style-- in fact they argue that any style can work depending on its context and execution. Brilliant. I wish I had this book when I first started.

Notes Buy from Hype4

Conversational Design

Wonderful. Erika rightfully points out that designers have a bad habit of pasting lorem ipsum and sketching mindless rectangles (shoutout to G.K. and A.C.) without doing the hard work of understanding their users upfront. For products to succeed, Erika argues (and shows) that we need to bring back the focus to conversations. If the language our products use can't connect with our intended users in context, we're primed for failure before we even begin. A must read with very useful tools to bring into practical work.

Notes Buy from A Book Apart

Smashing Magazine: Ethics and Privacy

In under 60 pages I'm much more caught up with the ethics debate in technology. It was pretty shocking to see the irony in implementing "ethics" as a substitute for regulation by the corporate world. The consequences of that are sickening, and the authors are right to point out that a legal hand is needed to push us in a more accountable direction. I also found it helpful to read why advertising isn't the problem here- it's unethical targeting. Bowles makes a great suggestion to help visualize personal data to users. In the same way the desktop UI introduced people to computing, this could pave the way for giving back our user's control over their own personal data.

Buy from Smashing


Design Justice

My values as a designer grew thanks to this book. Design justice answered many questions I had for universal design- most notably around the topics of practicality and intent. While a universal design approach may be impossible or applied falsely (unknowingly), design justice is allied with standpoint theory. It urges us to clearly define who will benefit from and who will suffer from each of our design decisions. By doing so, it’s also more pragmatic; it’s opposite to lowest-common-denominator design as it encourages designers to be intentional and specific.

I also learned so much about the rich history between activism and design, the importance of accrediting work, participatory design, building inclusive workspaces, and learning to be a facilitator instead of an expert. This book just keeps on giving, and I loved every page. However, I was left unsatisfied at the end as the author does not have a concrete response to critique on design justice’s real-world viability from the frame of speed to delivery. We basically have to wait until it matures more as a practice or encourage the world to slow down haha.

Buy from MIT Press

Atomic Design

This book will always be a classic in the digital designer’s library. Although parts of the book on design systems are no longer relevant a decade later, Brad’s key points for design system success in chapter 5 remain timeless. I strongly suggest this to any designer looking to learn more about how to sell and maintain a design system. For a more practical and modern take, Design Systems by Alla Kholmatov is a good follow up.

Notes Buy from Brad's Website

How to Win Friends and Influence People

This was recommended to me to improve my people skills, which is important when explaining and selling design. However, I found most of the book's material to be an unhelpful repeat of what I have learned through consulting and other more relevant books like Radical Candor. Most of the anecdotal stories are outdated and with limited reach (being mostly of white men). That is unsurprising, because Dale is really white. Every quote on the "Orient" was cringy and begs to ask why the editors didn't think through the rewrite more or test it with a more diverse audience. There are better books.

Good Services

Another masterpiece. Reading this helped me finally bolt down the basics of "Service Design." The book is split into 15 principles, each with memorable examples and helpful summary pages. I'm a little surprised this isn't mandatory reading for government designers in the states (or contractors), because the principles listed here are much more relevant than the material we often find within the realm of UX/product design. Notably, I appreciated principle 11 in particular as Lou points out "A lack of diversity in your team = lack of inclusion in your service"... which is so incredibly true.

Notes Buy from Good Services


Moonwalking with Einstein

I picked up this book with the hopes of improving my own memory of the dozens of books I read every year, but quickly found it to be more story than technical text. Ultimately, Foer concludes that the right kind of practice makes perfect- not genius. Not exactly a novel thought for most designers, but still a novel and entertaining journey.

Buy from Indiebound


Paul Boag has written a contemporary version of the handbook of usability testing more suitable to the digital product/service world. Most (if not all) of them are faster, cheaper, and more accessible. He also provides recommendations on testing platforms/resources which I've already been able to apply to my work (e.g. 5 second tests on usability hub). This is a must read!

Notes Buy from Smashing

Cross-Cultural Design

This was a stark contrast to Boag's book on usability testing. It was more mature, more human, and ultimately more forward-thinking as Akpem addresses many problems that WIRED designers don't spend a second thinking about... which is basically anything not involving WEIRD country tastes in design. As the world continues to become more connected online, I want to share Akpem's vision of a web that is inclusively designed for all of us to use. The accessible methodology he provides is a good start. I finished this book with a solid list of new challenges, tools, and methods.

Notes Buy from A Book Apart


Forever Employable

Of the 88 books I've read over the past 3 years, this may be on my top 5 worst list. The "do this right now" material Jeff provides is common sense packaged in d.School wrapping paper. At best it helps other white men pursue their dream of becoming a "thought leader" and contributing little to nothing to society (vs. say a Victor Papanek). At worst, it encourages a whole new generation of white and east-asian men (like myself) that their "hardwork" story can also be sold to the masses as the norm in tech.

Just like Tom Greever, another awful design thought leader, Jeff prioritizes a profitable story over design ethics by skipping over reflexivity (which he claims to have studied). Jeff had support from his family and was able to live in their home as he comfortably pivoted his career to the web (white privilege). At no point does he acknowledge the benefits and privilege that come with being a white man in a predominantly white man industry (tech) particularly when it comes to rising up the ranks as a leader.

Jeff's biggest anxiety and fear is, and I quote, "that horde of young, inexpensive designers was on my doorstep--hungry for something good to eat and getting ready to break down my door." Wow. That's shallow considering how much more women of color need to be concerned with simply to get in the door to begin with.

Don't buy this

Design Research

This post-dot.com-burst design research symposium ended up being more of a design thinking history book with the occasional interesting article and brilliant quote. Majority of the methods proposed by the not-so-diverse cast of authors focused more on novelty, delight, and pragmatism at the expense of stability, ethics, and longevity- which is somewhat horrifying in hindsight seeing where it has taken us in the present with Facebook and Twitter. I wouldn't recommend this book for the workplace, but I think it is still worth reading to understand how design research has evolved.

Buy from MIT Press

Refactoring UI

No nonsense and right to the point? Mhmmm, you bet. Adam and Steve have written a 218 page goldmine that has gifted me with a UI laundry list of bookmarked design resources, tips, and ideas. Great for anyone interested in upping their UI game.

Buy from Refactoring UI


Resilient Web Design

Despite having "studied" web design for so long, I honestly never really understood or appreciated it deeply. This book changed all of that thanks to Jeremy Keith's writing style which is simple, meaningful, and accessible. These are adjectives I have learned to associate with the World Wide Web. Beyond getting a very much needed history lesson, I can finally say I understand in simple terms: how progressive enhancement is supposed to work, why the web isn't a platform, what Postel's law is, and more. Brilliant.

Read at Resilient Web Design

How I Teach

I didn't expect to learn so much about design by learning about how it should be taught. There was a good amount of valuable material/articles/references I had never seen before which made this short time investment incredibly worthwhile. In a way, the curriculum is kind of like a modern interaction-design interpretation of Victor Papanek's design philosophy: there's quite a bit of design theory to help develop a student's sense or purpose which is pretty rare in a bootcamp-ridden world. I highly recommend this book and will be reading more from Jon in the coming months.

Read on Jon's Website

Future Ethics

Alan Cooper hits the mark in his foreward when he points out that the average tech practitioner is often unaware of her ethical choices and the heavy consequences they carry... comparable to that of poison gas or the atomic bomb. This may sound like something out of a criminal sci-fi drama, but the decisions we collectively make in tech are dangerous when left unchecked, or even worse- ignored.

Cennydd Bowles explains what some of these consequences are- but more importantly- he provides guidance on how to approach them through different ethical frameworks including: deontology, utilitarianism, and even the simple, "do I want this decision on tomorrow's headline paper?" check. He also provides a refreshingly pragmatic take on it all including learning how to pace yourself on an ethical journey to finding the right balance between a business case argument and a moral one. This is a must-read and a natural follow up to Mike Monteiro's Ruined By Design or Victor Papanek's Design for the Real World.

Buy from NowNext


Design for Cognitive Bias

Dave Thomas has done the hard work for us by summarizing dozens of cog psych research papers into one, easy to read, and contextually applicable book for design practitioners.

This is a masterpiece and one of my favorite reads of 2020.

Buy from A Book Apart

the tiny mba

Alex's goal for this pocketbook is to help readers think about business in new ways with 100 wise quips. For any trained UX'er, however, this will probably just read as common design/cogpsych knowledge. Alex says it himself, "the most valuable business books... are about psychology and communication." That's not to say that it was all a wash though! I still enjoyed seeing many basic UX principles being phrased in more business lingo and I did learn some new stuff along the way.

Buy from Stacking the Bricks

Solving Product Design Exercises

While this book helped me secure a new job, I was a little sad when I realized that the design interview is basically just a standardized test. Just like the SATs, it's easier when you can afford a tutor who can give you the right tips- in this case, this book. It's also disappointing that the whiteboarding interview is counterintuitive to how design is done in the real world. We ought to redesign this.

Buy from Product Design Interview


Just Ask: Integrating Accessibility Throughout Design

Finally an accessibility book with clear guidance on conducting usability testing across a range of disabilities. Shawn does a stellar job in explaining the basics of accessibility and providing a practical list of user centered design methods.

Although parts of this book may feel a little dated (like the personas), the majority of the material is timeless. Great as a desk reference.

Read at UI Access

Cultural Heritage, Ageing, Disability, and Identity

This is the first book I've read that documents the history of disability and inclusion. It has allowed me to much better understand exclusion in the present. I also feel like I better understand what the word "disability" actually means. It makes so much more sense understanding it as a cultural invention rather than a biological occurence.

Basically- we, as a knowledge-based culture, created what it means to have a disability. It's fucked up. We need to collectively re-engineer this- starting by breaking our own unconcious biases.

Buy from University of BATH

Structured Negotiation

Structured negotiation, which Lainey champions, is the polar opposite of everything popular culture portrays a litigation to be. Instead of a war room, there’s a round table. Instead of cynicism, there is grounded positivity. Instead of doubt, there is trust. Instead of hasty assumption making, there is patience. This book has made me wiser and more hopeful for the future.

That being said, in application it's still tough. As a designer who advocates for inclusive design in consulting, my mindset can get framed within a war where I need to choose the right hills to die on. Deadlines can make the active patience Lainey advocates for even more difficult. Yet, it’s also hard to think of any other way to create real and lasting institutional change. Maybe we just need more leaders and lawyers that can practice what Lainey preaches. That being said, I’ll be recommending this book upwards whenever I find the opportunity to do so.

Buy from Lainey's website


Professional Web Accessibility Auditing Made Easy

Although I didn't learn much, this free online book proved to be a decent review at times. I think accessibility beginners will probably appreciate the introduction to testing tools and strategies provided. As for usability testing, Just Ask is a much better reference.

Read at UI Access

Disability Visibility

Disability visibility highlights the diversity, complexity, and beauty of being human through a collection of contemporary disabled stories. It has some of the most beautiful poetic writing I've ever read. Don't sleep on this.

Check out the Disability Visibility Project Website

It Shouldn't Be This Hard to Serve Your Country

I picked up this book to better contextually understand the VA and its service towards our country's veterans. While this book certainly answered many of my questions, it also brought about many new concerns and anxieties through Shulkin's spiraling odyssey through White House politics. It's made me think twice again about the work I'm doing in civic tech and if any effort to challenge the status quo is truly worth the personal risk. I have more reflecting to do.

I'd recommend this book to anyone interested in picking up public service. I think Shulkin does a fair job in describing what the work is like- both the gripping highs of service and the anxiety-ridden lows of politics.

Buy from Public Affairs Books


Writing for Designers

This was the perfect refresher for everything writing and content related I've studied up to this point. I also learned a number of new tricks and walked away with even more books to check out to improve my writing skills.

I regret not reading this when I first started out in my career as many of the tips Scott shares are timelessly valuable. I'll be filing this gem under books to share with junior designers.

Buy from A Book Apart Notes

Responsive Design

I love these brief A Book Apart front-end publications as they're a much more straightforward method of learning when compared to wading through google search results (mostly comprised of stack overflow bullshit).

Ethan's collection and breakdown of responsive design patterns gave me exactly what I was hoping for: plenty of examples, their underlying techniques, and the history/theory that inspired them. This will be a handy desk reference in the near future.

Buy from A Book Apart

Why Are We Yelling?

In theory-- I like this book alot. Buster rightfully points out that we're collectively losing our ability to hold fruitful disagreements with one another. There are clear dangers to this which are fueled by name calling, assumptions, and avoidance. Notably, Buster calls out our lack of neutral spaces as a key culprit to all of this. We simply aren't equipped with the right technology, shared codes of conduct, or diversity of perspective to peacefully disagree successfully.

That being said, Buster's proposal to solve this makes sense theoretically. We need to be able to cut out the time and space to meet others where they are, challenge our own perspectives, and foster neutral spaces. The problem in application? We're not all equally equipped to do that. If Buster writes a second edition of this book, I'd be curious to hear his thoughts on how he might change his strategy to address those who don't have the sort of White/East-Asian male privilege that affords this kind of time, space, and facilitation.

Buy from Buster's site

A Civic Technologist's Practice Guide

Easily one of my favorite reads of the year. Cyd puts into clear writing many of the thoughts, worries, hopes, and anxieties I’ve cultivated working in civic tech over the past 4 years. It’s a thoughtfully written guide to civic tech I wish I could have had before I started.

For those newly transitioning into the field, this is invaluable— not just as an introduction to what civic tech is and its potential— but more importantly as a gut check. From acknowledging privilege, to humility and open communication, I believe it’s the soft skills highlighted in this book that will bring the most value to new civic tech practitioners.

Buy from Cid's site

Content Design

The more I study content design, the more I value and center it in my work. I've grown more concerned about how UX designers often frame content within wires (e.g. using Lorem Ipsum first) rather than framing wires around content.

This thought was really inspired by the case study Sarah provided in her book where the content team took lead in selecting the appropriate design patterns to meet their user's needs. Although it's obvious in hindsight, a content designer's work isn't just limited to words-- it can be a myriad of other things like pictures, charts, calendars, calculators, and wizards. That being said, it only makes sense to center them even more in the design process.

Buy from the Content Design store